Managing your debt and dealing with arrears
Consumers in financial difficulty
We understand that there are times where circumstances may make it difficult for you to meet your payments, which is why we have a team of specially trained advisors to support you.
If you are struggling to make your payments or think you may do in the future, then please contact us by calling 01 862 2560 or sending an email to We will be able to explain the options available to you which may help you resolve the situation.
If you miss a payment we will send you a letter to let you know how to make a payment. You can contact us using the details above to discuss your financial difficulty or to may a payment. When you miss a payment your credit rating may be affected. This may affect your ability to borrow in the future.
We’re here to support you, so please do get in touch with us as soon as you can.
You can also visit the Money Advice and Budgeting Service website for free, impartial advice. Alternatively you can contact MABS by telephone on 0818 072000 .
SME's in financial difficulty
I am in financial difficulty - what should I do?
It’s important that you contact us if your financial circumstances change. The sooner we are informed, the quicker we can begin to help.
We have also produced a useful information booklet that we encourage you to read as it provides further guidance. Please click here to view.